Friday, February 12, 2016


Today's activities were kind of chill and low maintenance, but still pretty awesome. 

I woke up at around 10:00 and no one was up and doing anything, so I went to the hotel lobby and people-watched a little bit while I drank my coffee. :) 

Around 1:00 we finally made it out of the hotel, and went to Grand Central for lunch. I had an amazing gyro from a place called Eata Pita (I think that's pretty clever). Then a friend and I took a subway to Central Park! It was really awesome to go to such a famous place. I can't say it was super beautiful because 1) I didn't see very much of it (it's really big) and 2) it's winter, so everything is dead. I bet it would be so gorgeous to go in the fall. Regardless, I still took some pictures because, it's Central Park. It was such an amazing experience to say I've been to Central Park, an extremely famous place.

After that, we took another subway and went to the huge H&M store in Times Square. After a long time (and many dollars spent) there, we went to Forever 21, then back to the hotel to get ready for the Philharmonic Orchestra!

The orchestra was really good, but it almost put me to sleep because it was beautiful. And also, I'm really tired. There was an altercation with some people behind us, it added a little drama to the show, haha. ;)

Now I'm back in the hotel room, and I need to get to sleep because Tomorrow. Is. Carnegie. Hall. (!)

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